Added the Prison! When you get really behind in Militia, you can always hold out for a last-ditch prison break to build your numbers back up! When you free a prisoner, he also shares a tip to help you!
Added a nifty animation to the level creation in Militia.
Choosing a color palette for the Militia: Dark World expansion.
Militia is potentially a true star for strategy gamers
Early reception to Militia has been really warm! Thanks everybody, your support of the project means a lot!
18% of the way to the top 100 (and a likely Greenlight!) thanks everybody for your support and votes!
The Essence of Strategy | Greg’s Design Blog | BoardGameGeek
The Essence of Strategy | Greg’s Design Blog | BoardGameGeek
Simple, interesting article on strategy game design.
Militia is up on Steam Greenlight! I’d love if you checked it out here:
In Response to Keith’s Look-Ahead Article | Dinofarm Forums
In Response to Keith’s Look-Ahead Article | Dinofarm Forums
This is definitely the best forum thread I’ve seen in a long time (maybe ever?). It’s pretty in-depth and starts out sliiightly flamey, but ends up becoming very analytical and useful. AWESOME GAME DESIGN INSIGHTS WITHIN.
Simplicity for Evergreen Games
Random thought: if you want players to be able to come back to your game over the course of their life, it is even more desirable than normal if the rules are as simple as possible (while maintaining depth of course). This is because it is a reasonable expectation is that they are going to have to remember or relearn the rules when they come back to your game later, or at the very least have a good enough sense of what the rules of the game are like in order to be drawn back in.
Super Mario Maker : Nintendo’s essence, in your hands
Super Mario Maker : Nintendo’s essence, in your hands
Excellent article from Gamastura re: Mario Maker.
Choice Quote ‘[we] will reward those things which give the user a quick stab of emotion… one “lol” is worth a million “oh, now I get it"s.’