Solar Settlers 1.05b, Axes 1.07a and Coral Dice Game Progress!

Released patch 1.05b for Solar Settlers.

Patch Notes:
-Added race specific leaderboards
-In Weekly Challenge, Brain Worms now only uses this week’s card pool
-Fixed race condition with saving that sometimes would result in progress not saving properly
-Can no longer unlock the next race by using a random race
-Terraform World now must be placed on a world with no Habitats
-Added “Hardcore Mode” for testing (press up arrow 10 times on main menu to access)

(Feedback on hardcore mode here:

Also released a small hotfix patch 1.07a for Axes and Acres

Patch Notes:
-Fixed a race condition that made saves not work properly in some cases

And finally, on this mornings episode of BrainGoodBreakfast, I went into some of the changes recently made to the Coral Reef Dice Game to make the map more dynamic and interesting. Check that out here:

By the way, the current top contenders for the actual name for this guy are:
-Rolling Tides
-Coral Roller
-Roller Reef
-Rolling in the Reef
-Deep Sea Dice
-Coral Colonies

Do any of those stick out to you? Let me know!

Militia 1.15 Update, Axes and Acres 1.07 Update, Dice Game Coral Retheme

The Militia 1.15 (“Threatening Enemies”) Update is Live on Steam!

Patch Notes:

-Added threatened unit indicators (they show which enemies can attack you when you move)
-Enemies now can only make moves that were available at the start of the enemies turn
-Fixed rare bug with getting two floor clear popups at once
-Fixed fullscreen toggle check mark not showing up
-Added Main Menu/Play Again buttons on end screen
-Fixed bug with entering placement match from the Learn screen

The Axes and Acres 1.07 (“20/20 Vision”) Update is Live on Steam!

Patch Notes:

-Fixed text to be vector-scaled so it doesn’t look as blurry at higher resolutions
-Fixed buildings not giving VPs in the tutorial

Yesterday and today’s episode of BrainGoodBreakfast showed off some of the Coral Reef retheme for the dice game!

(By the way, all of the BrainGoodGames are on sale! Only until Monday!)