Patch 1.06 for Solar Settlers is live on Steam! You can grab it here!
Patch highlights include a new Expert Mode for faster, more difficult games (it unlocks at XP level 10), a bunch of new goal cards for the races, a new base set card to unlock and a ton of bug-fixes and quality of life improvements.

Patch Notes:
New Cards:
-Added new Yon Goal card: Yin Shrine
-Added new Rak’Thun Goal card: Temple of Might
-Added new Kuldas Goal card: Hydrogen Nursery
-Added new Therlunai Goal card: Diligence Tribunal
-Added new base set card: Old-War Outpost
-Abandoning a practice mode game from the main menu no longer results in a loss
-Adjusted round number hover reminder text in Weekly Challenge
-Fixed rare null reference exception when colonists are refreshed
-Randoming and clicking play again now always gives another race if possible
-Added randoming animation to the main menu
-Reset race leaderboards for Season 2
-Fixed bug where doing a placement match would result in a loss even with no saved game
-Fixed bug with card collection after doing a weekly challenge
-Added option to end placement match and set rank early
Expert Mode:
-Added expert mode to unlock level 10 (unlocks Expert Mode toggle in options menu and Expert Weekly Challenge)
(Doubles oxygen costs for exposed colonists and settled colonists produce 1 oxygen per turn. Faster, more difficult games)
-Fixed # for suffocate message calculation
-Expert Mode no longer shows unexplorable military spaces
-You can choose your goal on the first turn
-Lowered habitat construction cost to 1 metal
-Changed reward for blowing up rock world from 4->5
-Changed reward for blowing up water world from 2->3 cards
-Changed reward for blowing up jungle world from 6->8 oxygen
-Changed reward for blowing up gas world from 8->10 hydrogen
-Added Fusion Drive Center to Void goal cards
-You can now destroy upgraded worlds
Goal Changes
-No explore 5 sectors goal in round 5 or 6
-No gain hydrogen or gain oxygen goal in round 4-6
-No settle goal in round 1-4
-Military goal only in round 3-4