Minos is Available on iOS and Android!

Grab it here:

Android/Google Play: http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.braingood.minos

iOS/AppStore: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/minos-strategos/id1256647127

Whether you’ve played Minos on Steam, played Militia on iOS or Android or are totally new to BrainGoodGames, I hope you give Minos on mobile a try! You just might like it (Sam-I-Am)

Minos Mobile Launch Date Announcement!

Minos Strategos has been approved for release on iOS, which means ALL SYSTEMS ARE GO for a full launch.

So! The launch date is now THIS FRIDAY (September 1st)!

Can’t wait for it to SLITHER its way onto your devices (heh).