Minos is Available on iOS and Android!

Grab it here:

Android/Google Play: http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.braingood.minos

iOS/AppStore: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/minos-strategos/id1256647127

Whether you’ve played Minos on Steam, played Militia on iOS or Android or are totally new to BrainGoodGames, I hope you give Minos on mobile a try! You just might like it (Sam-I-Am)

Minos Mobile Launch Date Announcement!

Minos Strategos has been approved for release on iOS, which means ALL SYSTEMS ARE GO for a full launch.

So! The launch date is now THIS FRIDAY (September 1st)!

Can’t wait for it to SLITHER its way onto your devices (heh).

Solar Settlers is LIVE ON STEAM!


Buy Solar Settlers on Steam

It’s been a crazy ride making this one. It started off with the simple idea of exploring space by playing cards, and it quickly grew beyond the scope of every other game we’ve made. Tried out a whole lot of new stuff, especially in terms of XP/unlockables, and I think we might have achieved the most complete BrainGoodGame package to date. Hope you like it and can’t wait to hear what you think! Onwards and upwards!

Solar Settlers is a card-driven space exploration strategy game set in the far future. Our sun is on the verge of collapse and so mankind has taken to the stars aboard colony ships to seek out a new home.