PuzzleScript – an open-source HTML5 puzzle game engine

PuzzleScript – an open-source HTML5 puzzle game engine

How have I never heard of this before. Super minimalist game-making tool for making elegant puzzle games. You’re not able to do anything and everything with it (the games have to be on a grid, and turn based, and not all rules are possible to code), but there are enough ideas that COULD be achieved with it that it seems potentially useful to pick up to scratch down simple prototypes. Awesome.

Day 18 – IT’S ALIVE. Added a move counter and a goal (clear level 3 without running out of moves or units), and presto-change-o it’s an honest-to-goodness capital “G” Game. Even managed to get some light difficulty scaling between the three levels in there.

Remains to be seen how deep it is but it is certainly satisfying to play I think. Hoping to have a public/demo build up in the near future, so I can get some more direct feedback on what works and doesn’t.

Day 16 – Added new enemy type: the Imp! Basically like the Orc but diagonal. Seems a little too samey, but we’ll see. Might give him 2 possible spaces of distance (but still diagonal).

Highest priority TODOs:
Enemy spawners
Goal level + turn counter/ (win+loss states)
Enemy variety 
Ladder/ranking system (holy cow this works so well in Auro by the way)

Day 15 – Bunch of subtle and large changes to unit movement and abilities. Added meta-game where once you beat the level, it will give you a new unit for each new floor, to encourage players to preserve their units. 

Going to expand on the meta-game more later, but for now its enough to test units with. I want to hook up a counter that will tell me the average number of enemies each unit kills on a turn. (Will be a bit tricky for wizard refreshes but still possible).

At this point the game is pretty easy when you know what you’re doing, because it was important to me that the player units feel powerful and have the potential to make a lot of combos, so I’m going to need to add more enemy variety/enemy spawners next to ratchet the difficulty back up.

“Evergreen” Format Games

Here are several examples of games that I have been playing lately that have a “format” that gives them the potential for being single player evergreen games. That is to say, they have procedural strategic challenge generation, and seem to have a high rules/complexity ratio. (NOTE: This doesn’t mean that these games aren’t solved or easily solvable, it just means that provided they AREN’T solved or easily solvable, then they could be considered single player evergreen games).

I think these games are interesting for this reason, and I want to explore this space further with my own designs. Do you guys know of any more examples of this kind of thing for me to check out?


