The first public Axes and Acres build has been uploaded to Game Jolt! Please give it a try and let me know what you think!

The first public Axes and Acres build has been uploaded to Game Jolt! Please give it a try and let me know what you think!
Hey guys our Greenlight for Axes and Acres just went live yesterday! We allll want to BUILD MORE FARMS. If you’re into strategy games with lots of interesting decisions check it out! We need your vote!
Time attack mode added to Militia build 1.07! And its currently on sale for 33% off. :O yowzers!
Militia is 33% off, and well under 5 bucks! Bite-sized strategy game, grab it here:
(It’s under 5 bucks!) Reblogs HUGELY appreciated.
Color swatches for new prototype!
Here we go again party people. New prototype!
Click the link for patch notes!
Early reviews are positive! And update 1.04 is out!
Changes include
-Help page interface tweaks
-Fixed several typos
-Fixed bug with Blitzkrieg achivement
-Re-scaled higher Light World ranks to be more challenging
Email braingoodgames (at) with bugs and feedback!
Get Militia at
Don’t let your dreams be dreams! Check out Militia available now on Steam.
Turn-based, bite-sized strategy that’s endlessly replayable! Thank you all so much for your support, I’m so excited to fulfill a long standing dream! Come join me by grabbing Militia today!
Today is the big day! 6 hours till Militia releases on Steam!!
Buy it here!!