Right click Solar Settlers in Steam -> Properties, Betas
-Added flavor text to every card!
-XP Gain Multiplied by 1.5 (Game Bonus, Win Bonus, Rank Bonus Random Bonus and Fate Bonus)
-Added background art to Derelict Starship and Shifting Vista
-Added Expert Mode unlock cheat
-Added BrainGoodGames Current Update to main menu
-Void can no longer destroy settled worlds
-Added floatey text when you harvest a planet with Origin
-Added basic explore cards to Card Collection
-Scaled down # of games required for race unlocks
-Added last week weekly challenge leaderboard
-Tweaked asteroid Event
-Buffed Wormhole to allow free moves on AND off
-Temple of Might is now free
-Waystation is now free
-Habitat factory is now only usable 1 time
-Added 1 Military to Proto-Formids and Sentient Fungus
-Added +1Military/settler to Mining Colony
-Replaced Sensitive Server Farm with Extraction Facility
Extraction Facility – 1 ore
:colonist: – Draw a Card, 1 oxygen 1 hydrogen
:colonist: :colonist: – destroy this world, 4 ore 6 hydrogen
-Fixed a bug with not gaining resources fast enough from Production abilities to meet Goal requirements
-Fixed clicking between Popups in tutorial
-Fixed a bug with step 29 of tutorial
-Fixed bug with Diligence Tribunal not checking whether it was settled
-Fixed being able to activate Nomadic Tribe for no effect
-Fixed bug with Mirror Anomaly and deep space Jungle Worlds
-Fixed bug with Goal prompt not showing up sometimes in Expert Mode Weekly Challenge
-Fixed bug with loading Therlunai scavenge values
-Fixed weird Weekly Challenge timing to be Saturday to Friday