Breezy Mode v2.0 is here!

Patch Notes:
-Rank is now adjusted after 1 win or 1 loss (previously 1 win 2 losses)
-Fixed bug with used goods not refreshing in Ranked mode
-Fixed bug with Compass & a good in the cargo hold
HUGE overhaul to Breezy Mode
This version is fast-playing and more streamlined! Can’t wait for you guys to try it out. I lost 3-4 hours yesterday “playtesting”.
Current Rules Changes From Ranked Mode:
-Goods value only based on quantity for first round (random every round thereafter)-You can no longer sell undemanded goods
-Boats down to 2 (may go back up to 3 at higher ranks)
-Reduced board size
-Removed gold completely
-Maps now cost 1vp (one available at each city/round)
-Upgrades are free at 2/3 cities per round
-Removed refuel from shop
-Contracts are now 3 of the same good
-Contracts are not rerolled each round and are for 3 of the same good
-Moving out of cities does not cost fuel
-All boats refuel up to full each turn
-Wind meter max is now 6 (+1 when 5+ Wind Meter)
-Wind Meter goes to 0 at end of turn
-2 Goods are randomly spawned at the start of each round
-Modified Carrot pattern
-You can now pick up items mid-glide
-Added “goods” abilities to boats as default upgrades
-Reworked a couple upgrades slightly
-Goods can freely be dropped and picked back up in unused holds