Ta-da! The @BrainGoodGames Complete Bundle, w/ all 3 of our titles! 10% off that stacks w/ the 40% off Militia sale!
Many thanks to all of our players, in the form of a loyalty discount! Keep on keepin’ on!
Ta-da! The @BrainGoodGames Complete Bundle, w/ all 3 of our titles! 10% off that stacks w/ the 40% off Militia sale!
Many thanks to all of our players, in the form of a loyalty discount! Keep on keepin’ on!
The 3rd BrainGoodGame is live on Steam. Extremely proud of this one, and hope you check it out!
Ahoy SkyBoat captains! Today is your chance to learn to sail the skies, take control of the winds and discover vast riches up in the clouds. Even better, as you improve your skill at the game, SkyBoats will use your evolving rank to consistently give you a satisfying strategic challenge.”
Ahoy SkyBoat captains! Today is your chance to learn to sail the skies, take control of the winds and discover vast riches up in the clouds. In SkyBoats you are a skyfaring merchant who must meet the demands of the three sky cities to become the most successful Sky Captain! In SkyBoats, you’ll use our unique wind-sailing system to hone and display your piloting prowess. Even better, as you improve your skill at the game, SkyBoats will use your evolving rank to consistently give you a satisfying strategic challenge.
Our Kickstarter is LIVE!!! Check it out! 😀
Sumer – A Game of Divine Strategy
Wooooot! Digital board games!!
We Play The Witness with Jonathan Blow
Awesome talk on cool games, emergent complexity, and non-verbal communication by Jon Blow from PAX East. Love the comparison with speculative fiction, and the idea of asking a single “what-if” question.
Buy Militia from the Humble Store
Militia is 33% off on the Humble Store right now! ($4 USD!) Minimalist turn-based strategy game with procedurally generated levels and a single-player ladder!
Gamasutra: Daniel Steckly’s Blog – Good AI is Predictable
Great Gamasutra article I couldn’t agree more with. This is a design philosophy we wholeheartedly embrace at BrainGoodGames. If the player doesn’t know how things work, how will they make strategically meaningful decisions?
The first public Axes and Acres build has been uploaded to Game Jolt! Please give it a try and let me know what you think!
The Humble Store: Great games. Fantastic prices. Support charity.
Cool! Check out Militia on the front page of the Humble Store! 33% launch discount! 🙂
Why You Need the Clockwork Game
Fantastic intro to the kind of games I’m interested in making at BrainGoodGames! (In fact, I’m working on the follow up to Militia right now!)